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  • Why Apu?
    The question of millions! Apuí is the municipality in the south of Amazonas (on the border with Rondônia and Mato Grosso) that gives its name to our coffee. It has the second highest rate of deforestation in the state and was part of the largest settlement in the country, PA Rio Juma. In this way, there are producers from other regions of the country with a history of coffee planting and need productive models that help restore the Amazon rainforest.
  • How is it different from other cafes?
    We'll talk about it here, but when you try it, you'll soon feel the difference. Café Apuí Agroflorestal has a strong and full-bodied flavor because it is 100% Robusta. Brings the energy of the Amazon with a strong dose of caffeine, above the market average. Want more? In addition to experiencing a unique taste, you buy coffee that recovers deforested areas of the Amazon Rainforest with native species, helps contain the effects of climate change and guarantees remuneration for partner farming families who receive an above-market value.
  • What does “agroforestry” mean?
    It's in the name! “Agriculture” + “Forest”. What does that mean? Agroforestry systems (AFS) are forms of cultivation that promote balance between food production and nature, in a win/win relationship. Natural ecosystems become allies of agriculture, combining the planting of different species. AFS brings benefits such as: shading, wind protection, wood production, microclimate balance, subsistence products and others.
  • Do you plant crops in the middle of the forest?
    The idea is always to reforest. Therefore, we use areas that are already traditional for coffee or areas that have already been deforested.
  • Is the plantation not harmful to the Amazon rainforest?
    On the contrary! With the financial incentive and the Agroforestry System, there is a need for producers, while planting coffee, to regenerate the Amazon rainforest, as the growth of coffee depends on the growth of native species and all the biodiversity that are planted in this mode of production. Our coffee only grows if the forest grows together.
  • How is Café Apuí Agroflorestal planted?
    The planting is done in an Agroforestry System (SAF) with species native to the region such as Açaí de Touceira, Andiroba grande, Cocoa, Copaíba "Mari Mari", Jatobá, Mahogany, Peroba Branca, Pimenta-de-macaco, Ingá de metro and Pitanga, and is operated by partner farming families with the support of Amazônia Agroflorestal and Idesam.
  • What are the characteristics of Café Apuí Agroflorestal?
    From the variety known as Robusta, or Conilon, our coffee finds in the hot and humid climate of the Amazon the ideal combination for cultivation. With shaded cultivation and integrated with trees and other species, our Café Apuí Agroflorestal results in larger and sweeter fruits when compared to other coffees of the Robusta species, therefore having a strong flavor on the palate, with balanced acidity and body. In the first sip, you can feel the difference.
  • How do I buy Café Apuí Agroflorestal?
    Café Apuí Agroflorestal can be found in several physical stores in several cities in Brazil, such as Manaus, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. In addition, you can buy from our official online store and receive at your home, as well as at partners such as Mercado Livre and Casas Bahia.
  • How do I resell Café Apuí Agroflorestal?
    Just contact our commercial team via email
  • What percentage of caffeine does Apuí Agroflorestal Coffee have?
    The Robusta coffee bean has about 2.2% caffeine, which is about 2 times more than another variety that is very popular among Brazilians, Arabica.
  • How should Café Apuí Agroflorestal be served?
    Your way! It can be prepared in almost any way, in an Italian coffee maker, espresso, Pressca, in the traditional Brazilian paper or cloth filter, and it will be delicious. In the way most used by Brazilians, we recommend using 3 tablespoons for each liter of water. Thus, a 250g package can yield up to 20 cups.
  • How is the price formulated?
    Our price is formulated based on two principles: 1) Increasingly improve the remuneration of partner farming families; and 2) Promoting a fair and affordable price, so that everyone can enjoy coffee with the energy of the Amazon and collaborate with the sustainable bioeconomy of the forest.
  • How does coffee remunerate families above the market?
    The Café Apuí Agroflorestal is more profitable for the producing families for some reasons, among them: AFS, with shading, is more productive than the more conventional planting method. Amazonia Agroflorestal pays premiums (for agroforestry system, quality and organic production) to families in addition to the market price of coffee. SAF is more profitable than extensive cattle ranching. For each hectare, coffee pays three times more in a year than a head of cattle that would use all that space. Amazonia Agroflorestal is studying a project to remunerate families for the Environmental Services rendered. We want to generate even more income for families!
  • Is the coffee organic? Who guarantees that this is so? What is the difference to Agroforestry?
    Yes. One of our products is Café Apuí Agroflorestal Orgânico, easily identified by the green packaging. An organic product, according to Brazilian legislation, is one that is obtained from an organic agricultural production system or from a sustainable extractive process that does not harm the local ecosystem, following a series of strict control criteria, such as a composition of at least 95% of organic matter and the non-use of any type of pesticide. To be marketed, organic products must be certified by bodies accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture. Our production is certified by Rede Maniva de Agroecologia and our roasting by IBD.
  • What is the difference between the green and cream packaging?
    The difference is that the green packaging already has the organic certification. The cream-colored package belongs to partner farming families that started production earlier and, therefore, have not yet achieved certification. Meanwhile, production is agroforestry and sustainable in all our products! Do you want to know more about our beautiful visual identity present in the packaging? Take a look at brand concept.
  • What is the relationship between Café Apuí Agroflorestal and Amazônia Agroflorestal?
    Amazonia Agroflorestal is the company responsible for the production chain of Café Apuí Agroflorestal, involving the processes of training and monitoring of producing families, making seedlings available for production, technical support in the field, purchase of producers and marketing of coffee. Always with the fundamental technical support of Idesam!
  • What is the relationship between Amazônia Agroflorestal and Idesam?
    Café Apuí Agroflorestal was born from the work of Idesam, a non-profit organization, in the territory of Apuí, together with local farming families, in the installation of agroforestry systems. After a successful period for coffee, the company Amazônia Agroflorestal was created by collaborators to enhance coffee production. Today, Idesam remains a fundamental technical partner of Amazônia Agroflorestal for the implementation of agroforestry systems, organic certification and training for young people and women.
  • And where is the team?
    The Amazon Agroforestry team and Idesam's technical support team are divided into some locations. The company is based in Manaus and the entire production operation is located in Apuí, to enhance the local economy. In addition, we have employees who are part of the cafe and who work in other cities in Brazil.
  • How many families work in production?
    Currently, there are dozens of families participating. In total, 57 families have already gone through the production of Café Apuí Agroflorestal.
  • How can I help you?
    We can all rethink our everyday consumption habits. Even the most usual ones, like our little coffee. You can be part of the bioeconomy and look for products, such as Café Apuí Agroflorestal, which promote the regeneration of the environment during its production chain. Consume, resell, disseminate the bioeconomy. In addition to our coffee, we recommend that you get to know the movement Amazônia em Casa, Floresta Standing of which we are a part.
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Nós apoiamos os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Amazônia Agroflorestal


Barão de Solimões St., 12 

Manaus / AM

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