Our coffee is part of the bioeconomy that wants the forest to stand! We conserve the Amazon, we value the knowledge of its populations and generate income for the communities.
The Brazilian Amazon has historically suffered from deforestation, fires and monocultures of low productivity and high environmental impact. In recent years, this situation has worsened even more.
The municipality of Apuí is one of those with the highest deforestation rate in the state of Amazonas. It is located on the banks of the Transamazon Highway (BR-230), the main deforestation frontier in the state. There, deforestation is largely associated with extensive livestock production, which destroys forested areas and converts them into low-productivity pastures.
In addition to ensuring inspections to prevent illegal deforestation, it is necessary to promote and encourage new modes of development for the region, which value biodiversity products and include people who live in the Amazon in sustainable production processes. That is why we are currently developing a new project that aims to generate income for family farmers that avoid deforestation on their land, which we are calling Payment for Environmental Services.

Valuing the work of family farming, the agroforestry culture promotes the recovery of the forest by planting native species in partnership with coffee. We depend on the standing forest to grow. With more productivity and income, farmers do not need to engage in predatory activities to ensure their livelihood and perceive the forest as an ally, becoming their guardians .